Hello All,
To create a new theme listing in "change the look" gallery you can create a custom pallete.color file and deploy it to the theme gallery and back ground image and deploy this image to the image folder in layouts.
Now, Create a feature activation receiver and write below code. This piece of code will create a new entry in Composed looks list in your site. That's all, after that you can your theme listed in change the look gallery.
public override void FeatureActivated(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
SPWeb web = properties.Feature.Parent as SPWeb;
// SPList list = web.GetList("_catalogs/design");
SPList list =web.GetCatalog(SPListTemplateType.DesignCatalog);
SPListItem item = list.AddItem();
item["Title"] = "The Dark Night";
item["Name"] = "The Dark Night";
//item[new Guid("460F49F1-8CF8-4E2D-B38B-30CE8DA26F89")] = "TheDarkNight";
SPFieldUrlValue masterUrl = new SPFieldUrlValue();
//uncomment below line to deploy in root site
// masterUrl.Url = "/_catalogs/masterpage/seattle.master";
masterUrl.Url = "/sites/Branding/_catalogs/masterpage/seattle.master";
item["MasterPageUrl"] = masterUrl;
SPFieldUrlValue theemUrl = new SPFieldUrlValue();
//uncomment below line to deploy the thems in Root site
//theemUrl.Url = "/_catalogs/theme/15/palette_dk.spcolor";
theemUrl.Url = "/sites/Branding/_catalogs/theme/15/palette_dk.spcolor";
SPFieldUrlValue imageUrl = new SPFieldUrlValue();
imageUrl.Url = "/_layouts/15/images/MyThemes/dk011.jpg";
item["ImageUrl"] = imageUrl;
//item["FontSchemUrl"] = "";
//item["DisplaOrder"] = "100";
To create a new theme listing in "change the look" gallery you can create a custom pallete.color file and deploy it to the theme gallery and back ground image and deploy this image to the image folder in layouts.
Now, Create a feature activation receiver and write below code. This piece of code will create a new entry in Composed looks list in your site. That's all, after that you can your theme listed in change the look gallery.
public override void FeatureActivated(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
SPWeb web = properties.Feature.Parent as SPWeb;
// SPList list = web.GetList("_catalogs/design");
SPList list =web.GetCatalog(SPListTemplateType.DesignCatalog);
SPListItem item = list.AddItem();
item["Title"] = "The Dark Night";
item["Name"] = "The Dark Night";
//item[new Guid("460F49F1-8CF8-4E2D-B38B-30CE8DA26F89")] = "TheDarkNight";
SPFieldUrlValue masterUrl = new SPFieldUrlValue();
//uncomment below line to deploy in root site
// masterUrl.Url = "/_catalogs/masterpage/seattle.master";
masterUrl.Url = "/sites/Branding/_catalogs/masterpage/seattle.master";
item["MasterPageUrl"] = masterUrl;
SPFieldUrlValue theemUrl = new SPFieldUrlValue();
//uncomment below line to deploy the thems in Root site
//theemUrl.Url = "/_catalogs/theme/15/palette_dk.spcolor";
theemUrl.Url = "/sites/Branding/_catalogs/theme/15/palette_dk.spcolor";
SPFieldUrlValue imageUrl = new SPFieldUrlValue();
imageUrl.Url = "/_layouts/15/images/MyThemes/dk011.jpg";
item["ImageUrl"] = imageUrl;
//item["FontSchemUrl"] = "";
//item["DisplaOrder"] = "100";