Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Sample code to insert items in Composed look list to create a new theme

Hello All,
To create a new theme listing in "change the look" gallery you can create a custom pallete.color file and deploy it to the theme gallery and back ground image and deploy this image to the image folder in layouts.
Now, Create a feature activation receiver and write below code. This piece of code will create a new  entry in Composed looks list in your site. That's all, after that you can your theme listed in change the look gallery.

public override void FeatureActivated(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)



SPWeb web = properties.Feature.Parent as SPWeb;

// SPList list = web.GetList("_catalogs/design");

SPList list =web.GetCatalog(SPListTemplateType.DesignCatalog);

SPListItem item = list.AddItem();

item["Title"] = "The Dark Night";

item["Name"] = "The Dark Night";

//item[new Guid("460F49F1-8CF8-4E2D-B38B-30CE8DA26F89")] = "TheDarkNight";

SPFieldUrlValue masterUrl = new SPFieldUrlValue();

//uncomment below line to deploy in root site

// masterUrl.Url = "/_catalogs/masterpage/seattle.master";

masterUrl.Url = "/sites/Branding/_catalogs/masterpage/seattle.master";

item["MasterPageUrl"] = masterUrl;

SPFieldUrlValue theemUrl = new SPFieldUrlValue();

//uncomment below line to deploy the thems in Root site

//theemUrl.Url = "/_catalogs/theme/15/palette_dk.spcolor";

theemUrl.Url = "/sites/Branding/_catalogs/theme/15/palette_dk.spcolor";


SPFieldUrlValue imageUrl = new SPFieldUrlValue();

imageUrl.Url = "/_layouts/15/images/MyThemes/dk011.jpg";

item["ImageUrl"] = imageUrl;

//item["FontSchemUrl"] = "";

//item["DisplaOrder"] = "100";


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Steps to create friendly URL's in SharePoint 2013

Send SSRS Reports in Email as attachments in SharePoint 2013 Integrated mode

After creating your SSRS reports and saving them in SharePoint report library, sometimes it is require to send them as an email attachment by using Timer job. this piece of code will help to get this done.
// coming soon